Programming Language One (PL/I, PL1)

Hire independent professionals who have experience and specialization Programming Language One (PL/I, PL1) and will help implement your projects on time and with a professional approach. Outsource services and choose a freelancer with relevant experience.

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We found 3 freelancers for category Programming Language One (PL/I, PL1)

SQL/ETL Developer

I have been developing ETL. Mostly my professional experience is working with data, to clean, integrate, transform, and build data warehouses. During the 15 last years, I had nearly 17 small and...

Winnipeg, Canada

SQL 17 ETL 15 Informatica 15 Oracle 12 PL/SQL 8 Programming Language One (PL/I, PL1) 8 Teradata 3 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 6 Linux implementation 7 Git 5


Meet PREET, a passionate math enthusiast who thrives on unraveling the intricacies of numbers and equations. With an unwavering love for mathematics, he approaches challenges with a unique analytical...

Mississauga, Canada

Java 2 Microsoft Office 365 3 Programming Language One (PL/I, PL1) 2 Python 2


Java 5 Python 5 Programming Language One (PL/I, PL1) 10 Web design 10 Web development 10 Pascal 12 Cobol 15 J2SE (Java SE) 5 Web analytics 5 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 7

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